Sunday, June 3, 2012


TV-Do-Sport - Device to lock the TV set.

The user of such a device would have to exercise in order to be able to watch TV

1. The TV would be connected through this device to a Rowing Machine or Exercise Bike or Other Gym Machine.
Only when the user exercises can she/he watch TV, otherwise not; so if a movie lasts 2 hours the user will need to pedal for 2 hours

2. The user has to exercise for a certain duration (previously set) daily/weekly and so she/he can get ‘the right’ to watch any time TV during the day/week.
The duration of the exercise will be stored and according to the initial settings the TV set will be ‘unlocked’.
The lock could be removed (no more exercises, subsequently ‘free’ TV) using a code obtained by Internet.
But, here is the catch; the customer would have to pay a certain fee for it so he will think twice before giving up.  People usually have no will but when it is the matter about money, they wouldn’t give up so easily. The fee could be tied perhaps to the duration of using the lock, so the faster they give up the more they have to pay.

Note: The device could be used for PCs as well.