Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pay to be Read

There are so many people, who would like to write to a celebrity, but of course they (the celebrities) would not have time to read all the e-mails addressed to them and moreover to acknowledge they have read them.

A website could be set up to enable people to bid for the ‘privilege’ the e-mail they send to be read by a certain celebrity. The bid would be open so they would see how many e-mails are ahead of them.

The celebrity the e-mails are addressed to would be contacted later and told for example that 50 emails worth $3000 are waiting to be read and s/he could either directly receive the money or donate it to a charity of their own choice; of course s/he could choose to read only some of them based on the sender's name, subject, number of words and other criteria.

There would be a registration fee (people would get to see the bids so it is not like they do not get something in exchange just to avoid the surfers that would have no intention at all of writing to a celebrity).

After 30-90 days if is there no answer the person would receive the money back minus a very small administration fee .

And because a picture is worth 1,000 words, see also a Power Point presentation about the idea.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Can Cover

Urban legends ? 'Wash Your Pop Cans'

Perhap, but the answer is this:

Carlsberg can after I sent them the my idea (perhaps just a coincidence):
However my idea is better as it is environmentally more friendly - paper instead of plastic.

Also, San Pellegrino has a cover but it is made of Aluminum, again not best solution environment wise (and cost wise I suppose).

And another variation of this idea: Spinnakers beers.
It seems the above type is spreading: Uncommon Brewers . I do not know who was the first but 'Uncommon' should be 'uncommon' and use my idea: paper not plastic, cheaper and better for the environment.